With time and more awareness about the value that comes along with an advanced procedure like Vaser Liposuction, it is perhaps time for you to look ahead of Liposuction which in principle has similar objectives of fat reduction and removal.
Liposuction represents the core principle behind the cosmetic way of extracting and eliminating the unwanted fat providing a very solid foundation. Vaser techniques have taken the advantages and benefits of Lipo Therapy to the next level by making it minimally invasive, relatively safe and even cost effective. Our cosmetic center’s committed for facilitating affordable treatment is actually because of the sophistication of Vaser Liposuction.
LocationsNu Cosmetic Clinic is found and driven by the passion of transforming you, just as the name suggests, we are all about transforming the way you look and how you feel about yourself. If you are in Birmingham, you can easily locate us and ask for flexible time for consultation and access to a specialist. You will become more determined and of course a little more ambitious about yourself than you already are when you find out the best possible measures of scientific fat removal. With end-to-end Cosmetic Vaser Liposuction facilities being available, you can easily relate with transforming your physique from top to bottom.
Your purpose of undergoing Vaser Liposuction may have limited objectives; perhaps it could be only about re-defining a smarter and slimmer version of you. But, our responsibility goes much beyond as we look at an overall picture of facilitating you to experience ultimate level of satisfaction, confidence and new hope to live an inspired live with your transformed body. Our online ratings pertaining to Vaser Liposuction offered in our Birmingham clinic have been consistent and reviewed among the best cosmetic care centers. It keeps us motivated to remain on the top and also enhances your confidence to always opt for the best.
Patient testimonials and recommendations by people who experienced our specialized services have been our key strength. At times, we are pleasantly surprised with the kind of amazing testimonials we receive from our patients as well as referring our cosmetic solutions to their friends and peers, resulting in more enthusiastic enquiries. On a professional note, our excellence doesn’t really go beyond our work ethic and commitment to ensure every procedure becomes successful. In the process of rendering the best care and support, we also innovate ways and means of proving more comfort and confidence to our patients.
The surgeons and specialists handling Vaser Liposuction procedure at Birmingham Liposuction Clinic are duly qualified and highly experienced. Mr.Gabriele Borghini, a specialist in Plastic Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery is remembered by his patients for his elegant nature and confidence about performing even complex procedures at great ease. He is also a multifaceted surgeon whose specialization is extended to other cosmetic treatments like Rhinoplasty and Otoplasty.
We are open between 9:00 and 17:30 from Monday to Friday and have the flexibility of supporting you with queries and concerns as we are also open during the late weekdays and weekends. Our clinic is located in the heart of Birmingham at 43 George Road, Edgbaston. You can avail free car park facility to the building front and our clinic also has a very easy access from the city center. When you walk in for your consultation and treatment purposes, do expect a contemporary clinical environment.
GMC Registered Surgeons
4000+ Happy Patients
Flexible Finance Options
CQC Registered Private Hospital
Nu Cosmetic Clinic services are now available through Manchester Private Hospital. Click here or Use the form below to submit your request seamlessly.